Between November 2011 and February 2013 I worked as the freelance Film Editor for Front, one of the UK’s leading alternative men’s magazines. It was an amazing experience and one that opened up loads of doors to some unbelievable interview opportunities. You can read the work I contributed to FRONT below.
freelance film section editorDuring my stint as section editor, I got tips on how to be a bad ass from Danny Trejo, learned how to kill zombies with 'The Walking Dead’'s Norman Reedus, nattered with Dolph Lungdren about the first time he ever met Sly Stallone and talked blue meth with 'Breaking Bad’'s Aaron Paul.
What’s more, I was also able to catch sneak-peeks of awesome movies, see my reviews in print each month and even offer the occasional poster quote. As a die-hard film fan, it was a pretty sweet deal. It was also a lot of fun to write and manage a magazine section that welcomed cheesy puns, geeky film trivia and my rubbish attempts at being funny. In total, I sourced and wrote original copy for 16 issues, making a brand new 2-page section each month. It was great experience that I took a lot away from. I even whipped up a few stand-alone Q&As for the mag’s Kill List news section, all of which can be seen below. Want a better look? Click the images to see them in big-O-vision. |