1 - It Changed Movie Making
2 - Michael Crichton’s Book Was Ahead of Its Time
3 - That Opening Sequence
4 - To Revel in the late Stan Winston’s Work
5 - And Celebrate the last hurrah of Phil Tippett's creature Stop Motion
6 - That First Big Reveal
7 - The T-Rex Chase
8 - Clever Girl
9 - The Nostalgia Factor
10 - The Fact That It Still Totally Holds Up
11 - To Celebrate Alan Grant’s Brutal Hatred of Children
12 - Because The Sequels Just Aren’t As Good
13 - Because Of Its Pure Quotability
14 - To Witness The Start of a Franchise
15 - To Soak Up John Williams’ Enduring Score
16 - To See The Moment Summer Blockbusters Changed Forever
17 - To Get A Strangely Disconnected Festive Feeling For No Real Reason At All
18 - To Be Reminded That Not Every Summer Blockbuster Comes With a Cape
19 - To Experience Samuel L. Jackson Before He Was Omnipresent
20 - For Some Spielbergian Nostalgia
21 - For Its Unashamed Hero Ending
22 - For A Rare Glimpse At The Park In Its Prime
23 - Because It Doesn’t Seem To Age
24 - For Pretty Much Every Ian Malcolm Line
25 - Just Because…
Did I miss any? Why do you think it's always a good idea to revisit Jurassic Park? Let me know in the comments section below!