JJ Abrams undoubtedly had a job on his hands when he signed up to helm this most hotly anticipated of sequels. As such, fans were avidly chomping at the bit for any slivers of information or shots of their childhood faves back on screen, albeit a little greyer and probably with dodgier knees.
To say expectations were high was an understatement and when that first teaser finally hit, man-children worldwide collectively let out a little bit of wee in excited unison. It was great and assured us that the franchise was in good hands but like the greedy film fans we are, we wanted more. We’ll skip that first teaser and concentrate directly on the meatier full official trailer. Go one, give it a watch below. It probably needs the views...
the trailer...
why it's great...
However despite all the Falcon swoops, explosive battle shots and Han Solo dialogue, the highlight of this trailer has to be John Williams’ stripped down score. The sly inclusion of Empire Strikes Back track ‘Han Solo and the Princess’ hits all the right beats and sends viewers right back to that familiar world in just a few simple key changes. It’s enough to bring a tear to the eye. Too much? Either way, it’s great stuff and only adds to the trailer’s watchability.